What To Wear For Your Family Photo Shoot
The number 1 question I get asked after someone books a session is: "what do we wear"??? Some people get so stressed over it, it stops them from taking family portraits!
The answer is more of what NOT to wear, rather than what to wear.
Here are some basic guidelines I give to my clients to help them with the decision.
Stay far away from logos or graphics.
One person is "allowed" to be in a loud pattern. More than that will get too busy and crazy in the picture.
No neon colors.
Try to keep everyone at the same level of "fancy". Don't have one person in formal and another in jeans.
Wear comfortable, easy clothing! Don't put your little girl in a shirt that keeps flipping up at the bottom. Don't put your baby or 5 year old son in suspenders that keep falling down. Don't put yourself in a skirt that keeps riding up. This is the most important point out of the 5!
If you don’t wear comfortable clothing, 9 times out of 10 the clothing will not be cooperating in your favorite picture, and then it's too late. Wear clothing that you don't have to think about once you have it on! Please!!!!
Try not to stress about it too much. Happy faces always look gorgeous no matter what they are wearing! Whether you are all monochrome, all wearing bright colors, or no real "uniform" at all, as long as there is love and fun we will create amazing memories and make beautiful pictures.